Sunday, February 27, 2011


Opshops are freaking ridiculous! And i wonder if anyone has a clue about the things they're selling becaause i just purchased a beautiful grey blazer from Charlie Brown for $7!
ridiculous! but i am thankful because i therefore can have great brands for little prices!
i tried on a Wayne Cooper Dress, but due to my "curves" it looked like i was smuggling doughnuts, which technically i am..

i also bought an amazing chiffon dotti dress/top (long top, short dress kinda thing) for 5 dollars, realising that if i tried it on you could see my knickers. i looked for a slip, which i found for 2 bucks. i know it may be gross buying a "underwear" from a opshop! but i saved a fair bit of cash cos i needed it from some other dresses i own.

also!!! i would love to recommend a book i am currently reading. "green is the new black" by Tamsin Blanchard. its a " smart inspirations and coolest antifote yet to global warming, this book will show you how to salve you desire and concienve, enjoy the good life in style and look eco fabulous in high heels"

no i don't want you thinking its something a "hippy" would read. clearly, since i am reading it, its not!
it's a handy guide to having style but not costing the earth and rekindling love for old clothes, and opshops! (:

my mother bought it for me for 5 dollars at big w so look out in there! its a great read! its got lots of tips and tricks to revamp your wardrobe and not cost you much money!

READ IT! i know you want to!

how was your weekend been? got any plans for the week?

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