Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Watching Sex and the City

I'm watching Sex and the city, sitting on my crappy couch watching a massive panasonic TV. Why can't I have a life filled with amazing shoes, great parties, good food, delicious clothes and lots of sex?
WHY? Because I'm broke, broke, broke, BROKE BROKE! and I have a boyfriend.
But, I do have alright healthy food, have amazing friends, clothes that will LAST me forever because I have the basics?

So, does basics, a boyfriend and a noodle budget is the uni students version of Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda?  I hope so! That would be a great great life!

What is your equivilannt to you sex and the city life? Whats your little bit of "fabulous"?

Mine are a pair of HIGH booties! I feel amazing in them. Sexy and confident.

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